Anyone who has used online search engines to find news and information on the Internet is well aware of the enormous gap between good SEO copywriting and bad SEO copywriting. There’s no argument to be made that the Internet consists primarily of content. When a search engine directs you to a particular website, your first impression will be based on the professionalism of the content you find. We all have limited time and our internet time is precious. We don’t want to fool around on a site which a bunch of text that looks like just what you need, but it turns out to be completely and totally pointless. Sometimes the site is focused on your topic, but due to the misquoted facts or the structural issues of the content hinder its usage. Other times the writing is just so poor that it’s difficult to understand or use. The last thing you want is to have your website visitors feel down or disappointed when they visit it. For this specific reason it’s important to have the articles on your website optimized for targeted keywords that are carefully weaved into high quality content. Read on to find out how to go about composing great SEO copy and how to best utilize it to further your business goals.

One of the key components of making your SEO copy successful is your choice of keywords. You need to take the time to research the topic, idea or main subject of the site in order to find the proper keywords and phrases to truly optimize your copy. First, your keywords must be targeted (we’ll talk about this in a minute). Secondly, don’t just place them at the beginning of your content; sprinkle them throughout the body of the article. Another mistake is to try to use too many keywords all at once – you should limit yourself to two or three keywords or phrases for each article or item. Another important factor that you’ll need to pay attention to is how often keywords appear in your web content. The consensus among Internet marketers is that about 3% of the total words in your copy should be your targeted keywords. However, this is a somewhat informal indication so you shouldn’t worry if you stray from it a little bit. The real rule of thumb is to make sure that while you utilize keywords and phrase within your writing that you ensure your text is still read-able and stimulating to your site’s visitors. You don’t want to ruin the value of your site’s content by over use of keywords, otherwise it’s all for nothing. One approach is to write your copy first so that it flows; then add your keywords where they best fit in. There are many free tools available online that can help you check your page’s keyword density.

You will likely need to employ a search engine optimization specialist, to ensure that your results are as good as what you need. Ensuring that Google and other major search engines are able to locate the keyword tags effectively is a vital element in the effective SEO copywriting process. The role of keyword tags is to attract the attention of search engines, which are responsible for determining how professional and relevant a website is. The technical aspects of SEO are handled by the optimizer; it has little to do with the copywriting part of the process.

Getting your copyright off the ground properly is the most important thing you can do to get the best results from your SEO ventures, so do not neglect your copy, and then you can focus some attention to other aspects of the SEO process. Becoming the best you can in SEO copyrighting, and finding the best keywords, your site will rate higher on the search engines results, preferably top ten of the first page. You just need to take some action and keep testing to find the best key phrases related to your business.